Here you will find a list of references that can inform you of various important issues that we find crucial in being a responsible petowner. You will also see a list of forms that can be accessed by the click of a mouse. Please contact us if you have something important you’d like to share with us and our visitors.
{Some of the material you’ll find here are copyright of the HSUS or ASPCA. Please remember that nothing can be altered or changed without their written consent.}
Pet Recovery Tips
Lost Pet References
Emergency First Aid
Pet Overpopulation and Ownership Statistics
Myths & Facts about Altering your pet
Potty Training your pet
Controlling your dogs barking
Digging and Chewing
Keeping Animal Companions Safe During Disasters
When Disaster Strikes, don’t be caught unprepared!
Disaster Preparedness Shopping List for Dogs
17 Most Common Posionous Plants * NEW
A Poison Safe Home * NEW
Adopters Bill of Rights * NEW
Applications & Forms:
Adoption Application
Foster Care Application
Spay/Neuter Contract
Veterinarian Release Form
Owner Surrender/Find Contract